Sustainable Systems: Week 1 Assignment

This past assignment to collect a weeks worth of trash gave me a new insight on ways to live more sustainably.  Throughout the course of the week I noticed that much of my trash was food containers because I don’t have a kitchen in my living space.  Although I only kept a few containers because the other ones started to smell seeing all the plastic and styrofoam restaurants use to package food amazed me.  As the week went on I tried to pull back on my use of things such as cotton buds, tissues, tea bags, paper towels, wipes, etc.  Personally before this project I thought I lived pretty sustainably due to my family buying all our groceries from the farmers market, carefully recycling, and growing our own herbs. However as the trash piled up I realized it is much harder to live sustainably while living on your own.  For the actual piece I took a box that was shipped to me that contained puffed plastic bags to keep the items safe.  I put most of the trash in the box and layered the plastic bags on top.  The other components of the piece were made up of trash such as a tea bag, an empty face cream container, and cut up pieces of food wrappers. I manipulated much of the trash to create a scenario that looked like a miniature sculpture of a dinner spread.  The main idea of this concept was to try and make the trash look “cute” such as a mini diorama.  As a whole this project opened my eyes up to how much waste just one human makes in a week and I will definitely be more responsible and cut down my amount of trash I produce.

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