1. Hint Fashion Magazine
Silent-film star Jacqueline Logan in Paul Poiret, circa 1925
Silent-film star Jacqueline Logan in Paul Poiret, circa 1925
2. https://advantageinvintage.co.uk/tag/mariano-fortuny/
Isadora Duncan in a delphos dress with her daughter (comparing how it was worn for all aged women, and from then….till women still wearing the dresses years after this) Could try to depict why Fortuny’s designs were a big deal.
Isadora Duncan in a delphos dress with her daughter
2. https://advantageinvintage.co.uk/tag/mariano-fortuny/
Tina Chow in a Fortuny dress (possibly could compare how Fortuny’s way of design was not a trend. And people through years and years, even modern day wear his dresses. (maybe could find one more to compare even more modern than than Tina wearing it)
Tina Chow in a Fortuny dress
1. I am interested in Poiret, in the sense that he said he was a artist, rather than a fashion designer? I also found it interesting in the sense that people began to no longer want to pay the high prices of his work, because they saw the same or similar pieces being sold to more people for less, making it available for more than the wealthy themselves. Poiret created fashion designs that went again his time as well.
2. I find pieces by Fortuny to be amazing, and very beautiful. The fact that he was not only a fashion designer, but was also talented in many other areas within the art field. He invented beautiful dresses that went against the popular styles during his time, and these dresses were awesomely like an art piece.