This is not a ‘complete’ photo shooted ad, complying to a specific product. However, is a movement through the one and only Chanel. And of course, the creative director still being Karl Lagerfeld. It is so interesting that Chanel has taken a movement towards including people, celebrities, from around the world in their brand. Rather than the typical super model celebrities, they have started to include the whole Hollywood, such as the girl from Twilight. And even including G-Dragon from the renown kpop group, Big Bang. It is very interesting that they have chosen to mix Euro-Western, with Asian, and American. Even Rita Ora is seen in the picture as well. The mixture of all these celebrities is almost a way of telling people that Chanel is a melting pot of culture, and would like to expand onto other cultures, and GENDERS. It’s known that Chanel is mostly a brand for woman, however including men in these ads, is not going to just promote their typical cologne, but that men can also wear these clothes from Chanel no matter their gender or identity. Next, it included a show by Chanel that was for ‘cruise’ and created a more modern Korean traditional dress, and hair pieces.