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Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with a7 preset

Theres’s something “romantic” about the idea of studying in a coffee shop. It’s idealized in movies and books so of course we are all swayed by the idea of it. However coffee shops can really promote productivity, not just because of the caffeine but because of the environment that the shop creates.

“Teahouses are the oldest of the three. In ancient China, the rich might spend all day in tea houses, socializing and passing the time by playing parlor games. These activities would be possible at someone’s home, but a change of setting (especially somewhere where you will be catered to, as an important client) was valuable. The cost of the teahouse was an accepted part of maintaining their place in society and, in fact, the ability to spend so freely on something non-essential was a demonstration of wealth.

Cafes came into vogue around the time of the French Revolution. Cafes were a space where thinkers (i.e., people with enough excess wealth to be able to afford to spend all day drinking coffee as opposed to working) could gather to discuss philosophy, politics, sociology, or whatever other ideas might be in vogue. The caffeine stimulated discussion.”

“Why Do People like to Sit in Cafes Drinking Coffee and Using Their Computers, Rather than Just Doing That at Home?” – Quora. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.

I sat in Gregory’s Coffee on Wall Street and tried to work there, I actually got a lot of accomplished I sketched and I finished a digital drawing and I had an amazing Caramel Latte. There were two people on either side all working by themselves. One was working on her LinkedIn profile and the man was working on some web design coding. Coffee shops attract all different types of people, doesn’t matter where you work you can still take it and work in a coffee shop.

Then I left and went to Le Pain Quotein, it was a bakery/coffee shop and restaurant. You can definitely work there if you wanted, theres ample amount of space. They have outlets on almost every table which is helpful for anyone working with their laptops or other technological devices.

I don’t know how to describe it but it just felt good to work outside the dorm, away from the clutter and distractions.