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I had changed my idea from my previous one after attempting to 3D print a phone case. I realized that I’m more of an artist than a mechanic (obviously) so I shifted my focus to more of an installation piece. I was inspired by Dadaism, so I decided to use found objects as a means to broadcast my message.

My Research Paper focused on the effects that makeup application had to ones self-image in the long run. From that topic there were a lot of sub categories that came with it. When answering the question of why is it that girls wear makeup, topics like cultural differences and influences like social media and advertising were brought up. I chose this topic because I think the cosmetic industry plays a huge role in society today, and we never realize the implications from such a simple everyday task as putting on makeup. I decided to go with the Dadaism idea because that movement is known for protesting against societal norms. A protest “against this world of mutual destruction.” I wanted to touch on all the topics I mentioned in my essay but also have some sort of focus. So I decided to go with concept of enhancement. The constant need for self improvement, in this case through cosmetics and social media. The extra lighting and the selfie stick for adjustable angles. The colored paper on the box below to represent usage of filters. And the box above with the broken triangles to symbolize a distorted self-image. Since this project was about Prototyping, I would want this installation piece to be much bigger and more interactive if I had to build it. I would want the objects to be much bigger than its regular size. I would want my audience to be able to walk through the boxes. Almost like an animation movie, when the characters shrink and all the objects become larger than life. Because thats essentially what is happening, not literally but symbolically.





Creative Brief (updated) :

My initial idea was to create a 3D printed phone case and install the LED lighting myself to portray the concept of enhancement. Although that didn’t work out after printing out the first time. I also realized that it wasn’t doing justice to all the topics I had talked about in my research paper.