Pop-up Block; Upper West Side Narrative

My intention was to capture a series of narrative scenes depicting my perceived experience of living in my upper west side neighborhood.  From a very personal perspective, city dwelling is most enjoyable within the radius of my block, West 80th and the surrounding blocks around on the neighboring Columbus and Amsterdam avenues.  Particular things to note about the area include the tight-knit community of young families who are familiar with each other, dogs who have better hair than I, and the plethora of eateries and activities.

When assessing the prompt to create a pop-up book I attributed the term book to a subjective narrative quality, and wanted to create an object which could be read and interacted with whether than paper pages.  To do so I assessed the cube form as a six-sided surface, in which each surface was a page.  Keeping with the rule of threes I determined three separate narratives which would take place in pairs, in which each individual scene, or side of the cube, would consist of three characters.

Within the design of the final surfaces, the three narratives are visually paired by engraving art.  In breakdown; inhabitants including dogs and people are both presented on crosswalk patterns; eateries and activities appear to be on block corners from an aerial square border, and urban architecture consisting of the brownstone buildings and planter boxes and trees line up amongst sidewalks.  Each figure illustration is printed on vinyl cut sticker paper and stuck on the 3/16 acrylic which was the main material for the project.

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