

“I pain self-portraits because I’m often so alone, because Im the person I know the best.” -Frida Kahlo 

When I was listening to Elizabeth’s presentation about portraits of people and when I listened to my assignment I couldn’t help myself thinking about Frida Kahlo. Most of the paintings of her were about herself. She had this philosophy that she painted herself as she didn’t knew anyone more like herself. She portrait her life, her suffering and in this way she believed that by painting it she would get over it. After thinking of her I asked myself: so, if im the one that know myself better than anyone, what are the things that represent me? What are the most important things to me that I carry them from Ecuador to NY? What are the things that identify me? And then I started selecting and analyzing the objects I brought here and that I will also will carry them if I have to go somewhere else. So, that’s how I picked my objects.

Everything in my self-portrait represents me. My panda bear was a gift from my boyfriend from almost 2 years ago. My perfume is the only that I had never stopped using or changed it. My nail polish is the color that I use the most and I’m never tired of it. The Virgin Mary, the rosary and the Cross I have had them since I was a child and have accompanied me every moment of my life. My sport shoes I always carry one in all my travels and I always used them when I know that I will have a busy day. My two essential books, about art and fashion, I have had them for 10 years and I’m always learning more from them. The letters of my family, friends and boyfriends are words of encouragement that will not let me give up so every time I found myself doubting, I read it. The photo with my boyfriend, which is my friend and support. And finally, my earrings were a gift from my grandmother in my First communion and my bracelet and ring were a gift from my parents 5 years ago and I never stop using them. So in conclusion, I liked very much this assignment because it made me think about the things that are really important to me, that important that identify me.


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