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Integrative Studio One

A Contemporary Shell

The task set was to create a memorial to childhood homes. I started with the death of childhood and went on a journey to the final result of childhood homes. I went forward with textiles and explore all of my decisions in a pdf attached to this post; it is a twelve-page long research paper.

Research Landscape

Research Landscape

This is a collection of photographs that I will use as reference as I move to create my memorial. The event I am commemorating is the death of childhood, something mutually experienced across many cultures.

Environmental Portraits

Environmental Portraits

This project, titled Environmental Portraits, consisted of a task in which we were to interview a classmate, who we didn’t know so well, in the their house or apartment. After the interview, we created a portrait based on their environment and could not use the person them-self.



A collection of maps pertaining to various aspects of my life.

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