Bridge 3 Ideas LP Post


For my Bridge 3 collage I wanted to showcase photos of artists,  taken by their respective tour photographers, in which they are portraying likability. Within the collage are pictures of artists getting their nails painted, making a champagne toast, working in the studio or in rehearsals, and just having fun doing what they love. These acts portray certain things that contribute to an artist’s likability including being relatable, having fun, and working hard. These are things I want to explore in my research and in my final project.



  1. In response to my research so far I want to create some sort of false persona to show how easy it is to make someone look likable through media. I don’t see this as neither a good or bad thing I just feel that perspective is an interesting concept considering so many people make their living off of one persona.
  2. My proposed project somewhat builds on my Bridge 1 project. In Bridge 1 I created this “rich girl” persona which I skewed to make her come across as scary and destructive. In this project I would like to alter the reality and create a different persona that seems likable through a limited media source.


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