In Bridge Project 3, my team explored the different neighborhoods within in the Gramercy/Flatiron district. We wanted to include sounds such as the food carts, the wait button to cross the sidewalk, bicycles, people talking, and horns honking . Our soundscape is mean to focus on hearing rather than visuals and to do so it is meant to be listened to in a quiet, dark room to get the full experience of actually being in the Gramercy/Flatiron district. Our thought process began by walking all around the neighborhood and trying to get a feel of what noises we started to hear frequently. Next, we began to record our sounds. Once we had all of our sounds recorded, we moved on to creating our piece. We began by going back to our sounds and listening to all of them again to get an idea of how we wanted to piece everything together, without it sounds too hectic and unorganized. Once we had an idea of how we wanted to piece together the sounds, we started placing them together one by one, and overlapping some of the sounds to create a harmonized soundscape. Overall, this soundscape represents the rhythm and the sounds of the people in New York City.