Short Circuit

My story talk about a person A who picks up a money on the ground, but she doesn’t know what will happen. Then two days before this situation. A person B was walking and dropping a money on the ground while she was taking her phone from the pocket. Another person C saw this, and tried to get the money. When the person C got the money, the person B realized that she dropped the money, and she looked back and saw the person C. The person B walked to the person A and said welcome to the person C. The person C was pale with fear and loss of sense, and then he dropped the money.


(Actually, person A dropped the money on purpose, because the money is kind of a bait to catch the person. If the person pick up the money, they will become a kind of victim and will be caught in another world that is created by the person A).

Preparatory sketches and notes:



The Re-ordered cells of the storyboard change some sequences of the video to make different parts have more connections. It also changes the feeling of people about time. I have watched some Japanese videos named Yonimo Kimyona Monogatari. It’s about some regular things may have different results and give some meaningful ideas to the people. So I am inspired by this idea and make this video.

I make this video want to tell people don’t covetous of small gains or some regular things may contain more things that you don’t know. I make the video separating in two parts, because I want to show a circulation of time. We learnt that how to use short edits to show the different understanding of  perceiving time and to make things continuity and unified. If I developed even more, I will make the story to have more details and people’s facial express will be more nature and also the audio will be more unify with the video. This experience helps me learn more about the shooting angles and how to combine the different shots. In the future work, I will think more about using different angles and the disruption of space and time.

Final Video:

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