Seminar Journal Exercise

Drafting was an extremely exhausting process. I truly walked out of it feeling like my head was exploding. However, I think it was very successful. It took me a bit of time to initially get into a rhythm to start. Once I got started things started to flow quite nicely. I would flip back and forth from my outline and draft and realized it was quite beneficial to make one an outline.




As kids, we grow up watching our parents share this bond that they created long before we were thought. However back in their time, the idea of dating was a bit different. It was far more organic than what we experience today. Today our society is represented by Instagram dms, snapchat streaks, and tinder matches. The idea of finding love organically does not seem to make as much sense. People would rather hide behind computer screens that confront the person they might be attracted to. Part of the experience is getting those overwhelming butterflies, the feeling that your heart is about to stop, or that……..