Studio final project update

Where are you in your overall research plan / process?

I am in a good place, I have conducted all my research and started sketching my two ideas for the two drawings.

Are there changes you’ve made to that plan along the way? What are they?
I left the final image to be set to what the people in my interviews say so my vision of the final drawings have changed throughout each conversation. Also my question I asked changed because it seemed like a conversation was more information-rich than blunt questions.

How are you documenting your process (notes, photos, reflection in a sketchbook, your LP, or other spot)?

Notes and sketches in my sketchbook.

What three things (or more) do you need to be able to get done / continue between now and next week to present a near-final version of your work?

  1. finalize my data for my extreme positive future of self driving cars (SDC) 2) finalize my data for my extreme positive future of SDC and 3) figure out the color scheme I will use for the photoshop version of these drawings and 4) start a basic outline of my drawings on photoshop

How will you get those things done / continue them?

Keep sketching, analyzing, brainstorming and expanding. Then transfer it to my computer.

What is your goal for what you want to show next week? (What will you make? What will you bring in? How will you present it?)

I will present my online drawings printed out, hard copy of one or both. My goal is to have drawings that really speak for themselves, that show the utopia and dystopia futures of SDC. I want to create a fun and playful image symbolizing the extreme outcomes of a life with SDC based on people or New York’s knowledge of them and ideas.

What do you think might be a question or questions you’ll be wanting to discuss about your work / project?

It the image portraying my message? Is is self explanatory? What could I change or add to communicate the piece better with the audience? Does is raise good questions when looked upon? Does it intrigue the audience? Did the audience learn something?

What help might you need, from peers, from me, from others?

How can I incorporate the questions asked in the previous question in my two drawings?

If you had to describe the relationship of “research” as a process of investigation, asking questions, finding information, and / or building arguments to your studio project now, how would you do so? Where do you see the research in your studio work?

My research was mainly done by interviews people of New York of all ages, to get a detailed image of the unique perspectives and answers received from the interviews. I did some research online to get perspectives done buy the big companies of why they would want to work on SDC. How it’s portrayed in my final piece would be all the characteristics included in the image. Each detail in the pictures would’ve been based on someone’s comment or vision of these two worlds.

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