Studio Fake: Bridge Project #2: Peer to Peer

Project description:
Students will work in pairs. Each student will pick one of their partner’s alien/creature/monster drawings. Then, the student will create a collection of objects that signal that creature’s move from planet “Home” to New York City. What might the creature bring with them to remind them of their planet? What may the creature need to survive in New York City?
Your collection must have at least five objects, three of which need to be unknown to our planet.
Image of my chosen creature:
10 images of other objects/things you have seen that inspired your
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List of materials used to create my collection:
– Sticky notes
– Paper
– Tape
– Sharpies
– Pencil
– Tissues
Images of my collection:
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Time: What do you do a lot in a day?

My “thing” that I do many times a day is use the phone program/software called Snapchat. Snapchat is an instant message social media app that allows you take instant photos and send them to your friends, and then they disappear after maximum of 10 seconds. The constant is me in the same location, the change is the filters representing that I take many different photos to various friends in one short period of time. I combined the new generation of photo taking software to the older generation photo hardware (separate photo camera Polaroid) that prints the photos physically. I liked the idea of how rapidly the technology grows and to combine the two simply is to show that progression. One thing I would add or change if I were to it again or more time, I would fade the photos to black towards the bottom of the poster because the snapchat photos disappear. Although I originally left them because it was again a reminder that older generation photos and camera prints were forever, printed and physical. But I would for sure add more photos to the poster.



For the continuation of the project above we had to create another piece in the inspiration of the cut-up technique. The cut-up technique is a style of simply cutting up work or sentences from books and randomly placing them together to get a sort of collage-mixed project. I took on this project as difficult as possible and re-printed all those images I had before but printed them in black and white. I then placed all those black and white selfies down and brainstormed how to cut them each up to create one big distorted image. I sketched (shown below) various ways to cut the image up, eventually coming to the conclusion of dividing each image into three sections, each section into half, then in those half’s I split them differently (i.e. strips up and down, or horizontally or diagonally).



The image below represents the almost finished product of my cut-up technique (I have one more row to glue and paste). I realized in when cutting the images that if I were to cut them in smaller pieces or more sections per square, it would might not look like too much. I chose this specific number of squares and shapes to distort it enough, crazy enough, but make you realize what has been combined. The intended reaction was to make your head hurt from all the distortions of faces.









These four collages above are the rest of the distorted photos.

Time: response on time article

Time is perceived differently by every person. People have various experiences under different situations like under the intoxication of drugs or near death experiences.

People also perceive time differently than others, simply when they enjoy the current task or not. There is a saying “time flies when you’re having fun,” unlike when there is a moment of embarrassment, the time can feel like forever. There are individuals who have a good awareness of time and some who do not, but how does one obtain such a quality? How do some people have a better sense of time than others? Time is such an intangible aspect of our world that we have not yet proved everything there can be to time.

Most people think of time as a linear concept, the day before, today and the next day but time is not or does not have to be. The idea of time being 3-dimensional or even 5-dimensional is so mind blowing that many people cannot grasp the idea of the possibility that time can be warped or be able to see in the past or future. This hallucinatory phenomenon has the “doubtful eye on the very role of mathematics in our understanding of Nature.” (11) For people to believe in the special situations of people experiencing time in a different way than most understand it, they would need proof. Even the idea of the endless possibilities of different realities. All could be true and real but since there is no proof people might not be able to process the concept of time not being a linear motion. All aspects of time are yet to be discovered but is hard to measure or find evidence due to its intangibility.


Time: MOMA project

Ellie Dlouha


MOMA museum art on time

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This artwork is called Side-view Mirror by Allan D’Arcangelo published in 1966, an American artist from New York. D’Arcangelo is best known for his artwork containing the image of highways and roadblocks, and is meant to be “the view as seen from the driver’s seat as one zooms along the seemingly never-ending American highway.” This sculpture is the side-view mirror of a car or possibly any road vehicle, and the image shown in the mirror is the road which the car has past. I chose this particular artwork to connect with time because it has a sense of past or never-ending. Usually in a car people are focused on the front window and what is in front of them, symbolizing future, although this is showing us into the past and really focusing on previous events. D’Arcangelo’s ‘never-ending’ concept of the road in the side-view mirror forever could mean that the past never really goes away, that no matter how fast you’re going (or driving) you cannot seem to out run the past or forget it. The past is always there right behind you, or in D’Arcangelo’s perspective, right next to you and warps the past future and present into one.

Studio – Bridge Project #1: Memoir

Draw 30 iteration of an alien/monster/creature from planet “Home”. Use the memories and experiences you generated in the x-page exercises and the drawing jam exercises to imagine the qualities of this planet. Those qualities will inform the aliens/monsters/creatures you create that would inhabit that world.

X-page Exercise


Drawing Jam Exercise


List of materials used for the 30 drawings:


Black pen


White paper

Wax crayons


11 of My Monsters:

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