Workshop Notes and Reflection

I got a lot of very helpful feedback, but the most helpful feedback was that I was spelling psychology wrong throughout the entire paper. I am the worst at spelling so I would have never caught this. Instead, I was spelling it phycology which is apparently the study of algae. Another very helpful take away I got from this was what I should define before I write an entire paragraph on a certain topic. I did not explain what polyester is made from, which was pretty important to understanding the environmental impact it has, until the end of the paragraph. I think this was very helpful because I have done so much research and know so much about this topic that I need to ask people who maybe do not know as much as I do if it makes sense. They were able to help me find little changes that make I could not find because I have been looking at the paper for too long. I definitley will implement the helpful spelling corrections and the stupid mistakes that I made. I also am going to go through the areas that they told me were confusing or I needed to define earlier. These corrections are super helpful. I am going to do this with some comments Weslyn made about the intro paragraph and what Emily brought up about how polyester is made.

My response to Emily’s paper is that I was very intrigued from the first time she mentioned it. I thought it was going to be hard for her to do, but it turned out really well. I think that her idea of going from doing research on just one color to how a certain shade of pink is being used to end gender discrimination is such a big change with such an important and relevent impact that it was very cool to see how far this came along. Just researching something so simple can grow into something so common.

In Weslyn’s paper, I was shocked at how little I knew. It made my think of how little you truly know someone and quite honestly, your own body. She truly is living with a disadvantage to us and deserves equity because she has to work so hard compared to the rest of us. I think that she still has some polishing to do, but her thoughts are definitley very convincing.

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