Self Revel: Societys Broken View

Growing up in a society where European features are the epitome of beauty was challenging, brainwashed by advertisements and peoples opinions on who we should be. What happens when we start to lose sight of who we are? What happens when we detach ourself  from the our roots?  We start to become what people want…

Museum of moving

The wizard of oz is my favorite movie of all time,full of fantasy n wonder. Yet when I’ve seen The Wiz it was a perfect blend of reality, the wizard of oz focuses on the fantasy aspect with a whole different world wile the wiz through the whole movie is based on reality that’s ment…

The International Center Of Photography

This piece was created by Barbara Hammer a queer woman living with stage 3 ovarian cancer since 2006 her art work combines the visual language of experimental and structural film. In the 1970 Hammer began making films about lesbian relationships, including her own. These vulnerable portraits are of her and they contain forms that were…

Self healing

Through technology and  social media  we are constantly unaware of  the lack of human communication. Tending to hideaway through our digital devices rather living our reality,  but what happens when we disconnect and lose ourselvers. Parents tend to invision a life for their children through their teachings, yet as we start to develop  we surrender…

Alfred Eisenstaedt

Alfred Eisenstaedt was born in Poland on December 6, 1898. He studied at the University of Berlin and served in the German army. During 1929 – 1935 he was a full-time photojournalist for the Pacific and Atlantic agency, in 1935 he come to the United States to freelance. In 1936 Henry Luce hired him and…

The MoMa Speaks

This was one of my favorite art pieces at MoMa, this piece is called The Last Super and was created by Andy Warhol in 1986. Walking through the museum this piece of out stood out to me the most because it mixes modern advertising with religion. In 2018 technology is such the main focal point…

Connect Together

My Cohesion photo essay consists of multiple different people with different backgrounds. I wanted to create an environment where the viewer can get different perspectives of different cultures and people. I enjoy talking and getting to know people everyone is unique in there own way, the elderly have so much wisdom that our generation can…


Reading  the essays by Tony Hiss And R. Murry Schafer  you start to understand that as  you get older you may lose creativity and your sense of wonder.  Children, on the other hand have such a vast imagination, that adults start to lose due to the harsh realities of life.   When transitioning from child to…

Learning Techniques! … Cool ones on tumbler and Instagram lol

  For this photo I was me playing  around with the picture style within the menu! This picture style is called Monochrome. Its a black and white photo edit, my IOS was okay but unfortunately for this picture my aperture I believe was too high.   In this photo I was playing with the aperture…