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For my expert interview, I decided to go to the greenmarket located at Columbia University. The farmer that I chose to interview declined my request to interview him, but then shortly agreed. He did not want the interview to last long because he claimed that there was an issue between his line of work and the large amount of interviews they’ve been doing.


1. What is your name? Age? 

My name is Sayed, and my age is 36.


2. Is this your main job? If not, what is?

This is my main job.


3. How much do you make an hour? / How do you get paid?

For this question, Sayed declined to answer. He did say, however, that it depends on the day and that he gets paid by cash.


4. How many hours do you work in one day?

Again, it all depends on the day. It could be 12 hours, it could be more too.


5. What are you selling?

I am selling produce and vegetables.



6. Where does this food come from?

This food comes from South Jersey.


7. What would you say are the challenges/benefits of this job?

Challenges… well one, weather. Second, customers. Benefits would be the healthy and fresh vegetables.


Despite the fact that I did not get much information from this interview, I still discovered that there is a possibility of an issue with the pay of the workers. Sayed works around 12 hours a day, and sometimes even more, and declines to answer how much he makes. This, for me, rises some speculation that he might not be getting paid enough and would be afraid to answer the question.

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