Curiosity’s Day Seven

I wonder a lot about the places I haven’t been. I have created an ongoing bucket list of must-sees. Does traveling to all these places make you the

world will these experiences enrich my life or will it just encourage a dissatisfied mentality.

1 Comment

  1. herse356 · February 7, 2018 Reply

    Its is my dream to travel all around the world, I want to see everything and eat everywhere. I want to climb to the top of match peach and go fishing in taiwan. I often fear that my dreams will not come true. I’m not convinced that traveling is the be all end all to building a worldly individual. I also fear that my trust for travel intertubes the enjoyment of my everyday life. I wonder why going to these places seem like they are better than where I am now. Out of my fair share of traveling that I have done I can say it did make me feel differently. I did feel connected to the world and the people around me in a different way. Could I be feeling like this everyday? Do I see things differently when I am in a different place? Is me having a deeper understanding of the people around me a problem with how I view things on a day to day basis? I will always want to take a break from where I am an experience something new. I need to maintain the thinking that I can discover new things wherever I am and I should everyday.

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