Project Update

These are the alterations I have made to my project due to the feedback I received last time in class and the focus groups I have done.

I have interviewed ten to fifteen people from every age group within the range of 18 to 70 years old. The last time we discussed the project, I presented my idea which gave the opportunity for people to choose conversations that they did not want to have. I found through my research that people did not care as much about the conversations that they didn’t want to have; rather, they wanted to focus on the things that they did want to talk about with other users. As a solution to this problem, I decided to create a changing bio, where people can insert how they are feeling that day as well as the types of interactions that they wish to have. When conducting my research, I found that women over the age of 35 were concerned about meeting people around the same age as them; they did not want to speak with people who were much older or much younger than themselves. As these people are potential users for the app, I wanted to make sure that we addressed this concern.  For this, the solution is premium membership which enables a user to find people who have filled out the premium member survey similarly and who are proximate to a user.

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