Elizabeth Hersch Project Update

I still am exploring my two privouse ideas on how to present my content. Because this week was thanksgiving I had lots of people around to give me feedback so I decided to test my ideas with them. My fist idea was to do a digital audio walk so I would have a recording that would have directions guiding you through your phone and specific apps like Facebook and instagram. The second idea was to great gif’s coinciding with the vocals this experience would be more observation based. I value the interaction of the fist one yet when I tested it I found it unpredictable because of the ever changing content on the internet. So sometimes the audio matches and other times not. This experiment has lead me to believe that the best was to proceed is the gif’s . However I would still like to here some other people’s opinions. The overall concept for this works is to illustrate the reputation of image and conformity in the digital world and how that changes out actions in society.

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