User Testing In Class Summary

Weakest link of my project

The difference between entertainment and education within a digital landscape.Would this idea of bridging digital play and physical play only appeal to the child? Parents are trying to avoid digital devices → my solution is to assist the child in using digital devices as a toy instead of just T.V → Interactive is key.

Strongest link of my project

Would be the fact that I am attempting to bring together both digital play and physical play into one interactive experience, The prototype (if it works as intended) is streamlined and easy to use. It will help the child to learn how to interact with more complicated digital interfaces.

User Testing Questions

_____ FOR PHYSICAL GAME ____ Goal: find out how they would change the current iteration


What would make this toy even better than it already is?


Would you like to be able to play with the toy on the (preferred mobile platform)


Do you think that any of your friends (at school if they go or at daycare) would also like this toy?


What would you make using the toy? (in the context of building blocks)


How would you put what you made onto your (preferred mobile platform)?


_____ FOR DIGITAL GAME _____ Goal: find out if the digital interaction is successful (child uses them in specified way) Goal 2: find out what they dislike (children are always honest)


Would you want to be friends with the characters (phrase using character names)?


What did you learn from this game?


Would you show this to your friends at (school / day care)?


Do you like the way your creations moves on the screen?


How would you like to play with what you made on (preferred mobile platform)?

Prototype Unity: Building Blocks

here is a video of a quick example of how I think that I want the building aspect of the app should look like from a basic point of view.

The blocks are “magnetic” like the real product will be

for the next prototype I want to take the object that is made in the “building” mode and add a rigidbody to it as a whole simulating that the player will now be able to play with what they have made.

Learning from this I now think that I want to create basic outlines / tasks to fill in with objects to make pre-designed objects that work as intended. This way there is a learning experience in the building aspect of the game.