Deluded Innocence ‘Deconstruction Project’



Process description – Fashion/Form ‘Deconstruction Project’


“Memories of an idyllic childhood flood through my mind. The ‘guacamallo’ singing every morning, the reflection of the blue-green transparent water and the blossoming exotic flowers decorating every piece of my joyful existence. Unaware of the dangers outside, I dreamed about fusing with the ocean and playing with the creatures living amongst the sea bed. A circle of protection surrounded every step of the way, like a shadow stalking my way. My innocence was left untouched, like virgin snow on the peak of a remote mountain. The monsters creeping outside never existed for my 7-year old self….”


By starting with an experimentation of the mannequin, I was able to produce several shapes and forms that would then became the inspiration for my collection. My colour theme was inspired by my childhood in Venezuela. My aim was to always portray amongst the collection a sense of innocence and joy with vibrant and exotic colours, that were always located on the inside of the dress. As opposed to a rough exterior, always with black tones and hard textures that shows how unaware of the dangers I might be exposed to I was. The contrast between the lively colour on the inside and a rough black exterior makes up how my childhood was, how I was always surrounded by a circle of unseen protection, a rough exterior that allowed me to live a peaceful and innocent life.



The Final line-up is a mixture of hand-drawn figures, 3D models of the experimentation on the mannequin and a top layer of plastic traced by colourful pens. The essence of the collection was to always try to keep the series very open, full of volumes and possible outcomes, as all the pieces derived from the deconstruction of one initial piece.

As you can already guess, my name is Oihana. I will be sharing my work during my first year as an Art student at Parsons Paris. Hope you enjoy it!

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