Writing Prompt #12: Superpowers

What are your thoughts on the evolution of depictions of Supernatural Powers in young women?

Like most young girls, I feel that the majority of my life is not under my control, mainly on account of the numerous sexual assaults allegations in our society. The female heroine of Stranger Things, Eleven was a character that I could not only relate to but that I could also look up too. At just 11 year-olds, Millie Bobby Brown is the feminist hero we all need right now. In the series, Eleven was hesitant to speak, something that I and plenty of others girls struggle with around the world. Although, throughout the series, Eleven finds her strength and courage to stand up against the men that took control of her life. I think this evolution of the depictions of supernatural powers in young women can cause a domino effect in showing young girls around the world that we are all active in our own ways.

How is magical power related to adolescence?

There is something elemental to sci-fi and fantasy. Magic storytelling has always resonated as young girls are developing their ideas and their role in society. The character of a superhero is an expression of power that is critical in forming girls ideas of who gets to occupy the power situation and how.

What impact does the emergence of powerful girl characters have on real girls and young women?

It is no secret that sci-fi and superhero stories are mainly male dominated. Even today, in the world of Wonder Woman and Eleven. There has always been a gender gap in onscreen representation in superhero and sci-fi films and TV series. This portrayal affects even the youngest consumers on social media. A study shows that teenage girls are less likely than boys to describe themselves as confident and brave. Nearly two-thirds of girls age 10-19 say that they don’t see enough role models or strong and relatable characters of their own gender. I believe that a better onscreen representation can help close the confidence gap for girls and allow them to see themselves as leaders and heroes. The world needs more female superheroes.

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