Week 3 Material Systems and the Anthropocene


Yes. I think the long life design criteria can assist in designs which assist in meeting the challenges created by the Anthropocene. The most obvious one is the ninth, environment. The product must be made with consideration of the environment in any age. Anthropocene’s definition and examples have already been talked last week. If people and designs as a represent of people’s action can consider about the environment from now to future, there will be less affection to the earth. Also, “repair” is important since the Anthropocene is also influenced by fast speed production. If people try to repair and recycle more, the consumption circle will be narrower.


1.It’s a little hard to repair silk especially when it’s heavily broken. However, people still try to add patch to them or use needles to hook threads out.

2.The cost is not super high, but the technique and manpower is hard to copy. The cost allow the manufacturer produce for thousands of years.

3.The value of silk in the past doesn’t need convey because everyone knows it’s good and expensive.

4.Manufacturing even spent years on weaving fabric in the past. Everything is handmade.

5.Silk is used in a lot of ways such as clothing, furniture and accessories. As clothing, they are smooth and lightweight.

6.Silk is safe to wear because everything is natural without harmful chemical.

7.Chinese silk is still in high demands all over the world. So long as the fashion marketing still alive, silk is a necessary material factories need.

8.Users buy silk not only for basic demand such as cover bodies. Usually they have needs which are in higher level. For example, showing elegance, be allergic to cotton, or want complex pattern weaved on fabric.

9.The production of traditional Chinese silk is environment-friendly. During the process, there is no chemical involved. Dying materials are all natural. In the past, silk is expensive, so people don’t throw away their silk clothing easily. In this way, it avoids the wasting of fabric.

10.Chinese silk’s pattern is unique. Until now, many old garments made of traditional silk are treated as item in museums and have high value in fashion history.




1>What’s your original intention to start this work?

2>Do you find anything new which you never think before based on existed work?

3>What do you learn from other people while working?

Here is Yuzhou Lou's Blog. I will share some notes of courses, reading and personal work in my daily life. You can also call me Jen. I am from Shanghai, China. Now I live in new York, USA. I am studying at Parsons, the New school for Design as a freshman. My major in the further will be Fashion Design. Dark colors are my favorite. I like Lolita Fashion, Traditional Asian style and wedding dresses. Also, I prefer a few of gothic and punk elements. Design is part of lives. This is one thing I believe. It doesn't matter how old you are or what job do you do. Design is a style of living. Keep having day dreams. That's the way to make people create new things.

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