Week 6: Sixth Extinction and Social Resiliency

1) Visit the NYC Hurricane evacuation site and locate which zone you live in.

I’m not living in NYC, so I’m not on this map…

2) Which zone do you live in (1-6)? How close is the next nearest zone?

I’m near zone 1, which is across the river. I guess I can’t take the subway during the hurricane.

3) What does it feel like to learn what zone you inhabit?

It feels dangerous to live beside the water.

4) Do you feel prepared for the next hurricane in New York? What designs and information would be useful to you to be more prepared?

No. I think the way of realizing information of forecast of hurricane will be useful. To know the information earlier, I can prepare earlier.

5) How important do you think it is for designers to consider/encourage resiliency among people in their work? Why? What is an experience you have had, or an object/design that you have, that supports social resiliency in you?  (i.e. makes you feel stronger, not alone, connected to the earth, other people, animals, the planet, prepared, capable and able to deal with changes etc.)

When a design has something considered as resiliency, it becomes more needed by people. Personally, I like social medias. It’s an important way for me to  contact with others and find out personal position in the society.

6) What is one species that you learned about on this site that has gone extinct?

Siberian Cranes are the Most Threatened Cranes

7) What is one species that has recovered “from the brink”?

8) What did you learn on the “what you can do” page? All things we did have some meaning to the environment and animals. To restrict ourselves in daily lives is more important to do something grandly.

9) What do you think of this site — as an artist’s project? The installation idea looks really cool. It’s aesthetic and playful. It also looks fun to children, which is a great way for them to realize these knowledge.

10) Post a sketch of a design idea that you think would help a person sense a systems connection between their life and that of the animal facing an environmental threat. How does your design idea not just raise awareness or make a person feel guilty/sad, but inspire them? What materials would you chose to use to make this design?

I want to build a website which teach people different kinds of dogs or cats. They can see information, background or history and the current situation of specific kinds of pets. At the same time, people can see  how much and where they are homeless and abandoned in the country. The website also introduces how to take care of pets and where to adopt them. People can upload their pets’ photo to the catalog for sharing. In the process of seeing pictures and gain knowledge from website, people can somehow think about taking are of pets as well.


Here is Yuzhou Lou's Blog. I will share some notes of courses, reading and personal work in my daily life. You can also call me Jen. I am from Shanghai, China. Now I live in new York, USA. I am studying at Parsons, the New school for Design as a freshman. My major in the further will be Fashion Design. Dark colors are my favorite. I like Lolita Fashion, Traditional Asian style and wedding dresses. Also, I prefer a few of gothic and punk elements. Design is part of lives. This is one thing I believe. It doesn't matter how old you are or what job do you do. Design is a style of living. Keep having day dreams. That's the way to make people create new things.

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