Possible Research Topics:

  1. Comparing Ukioy-e (Floating Worlds) Woodblocks and Matisse’s Paper Cutouts
    1. What similarities in process exist between Matisse’s paper cutouts and the Ukioy-e?
    2. How does the subject matter between them compare?
    3. How was the artist’s purpose of the art work similar or different?
  2. Dawn and Dusk Landscapes
    1. What are common subject matters for rising and falling landscapes?
    2. What techniques are used to convey the time position?
    3. Is a horizon necessary?
  3. Motion in Stationary Objects
    1. Is it more effective vertically or horizontally?
    2. What techniques are to convey motion to the viewer?
    3. How can the futurist’s views of motion be translated in current times?

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