Painting : printing photonic identities

To extrapolate digital artifact aggregates using:



  • 2D & 3D printing
  • laser cutting and etching
  • clothing construction techniques


to formulate visual art pieces that may attempt to approximate the experience of traditional painting.


background-antiparticl blue-flower 2013-11-23 20.20.52 46929_10101842291460004_687729048_n 998920_10101839770901224_651646631_n Screen Shot 2014-05-14 at 4.16.40 tumblr_m95txsG0ZD1qjdlcto1_1280 tumblr_n2c4tiIW7w1qcddvlo1_500 WAY


Capture d'écran 2013-11-26 08.59.33 Screenshot 2013-12-11 23.30.41 Screenshot 2013-12-27 01.01.31 Screen Shot 2014-09-28 at 15.36.36 Screen Shot 2014-09-28 at 15.58.15


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