Class Recap

Week 11 – Web III

Topics: - intro to json Resources: - json w3 school - slides Assignments: - think about ideas for final projects…

Week 10 – Web II

Topics: - jQuery - p5.js plus DOM Assignments: 1. Finish the Mad Lib from class (make it look nice) 2.…

Week 9 – Web I

Topics: - HTML5 and CSS review - Intro to Javascript - Intro to p5.js and canvas Resources: w3 Schools three.js…

Week 6 – Arduino II

Topics: - digital i/o - analog i/o - communication with Processing via Serial Resources: Class slides Assignments: 1. Make a…

Week 5 – Arduino I

Topics: - opencv review - intro to kinect - arduino review Links: Drawn, Zachary Lierberman Puppet Parade, Design I/O Be…

Week 4 – Processing IV

Topics: - basic particle system - audio, fft, volume - introduction to computer vision Links: Myron Krueger, the grandfather of…

Week 1 – Processing I

Processing Review: - processing environment - calling a function (size, background) - basic drawing - color, fill, stroke - variables…
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