Project 2: La Villette



Follow the flow and randomness in the park, walking around and taking a short video of each “scene” I found and took pictures of the details around that area, following the path and that I followed.

Version 2.0

The video is a photo montage of 3 straight pathways, overlapping with the point system (folie) when they connect.



Version 3.0 Final Video

For the video, I decided to go with the superposition on the system of lines and dots (les folies). Ideally, with the footage I had, wanted to show the alignment and repetitively of the folie, by taking pictures of them at the same distance, repetitively, creating a sequence. I went along the “vertical” path walk, the “diagonal” path walk, and the “horizontal” path walk of the park. For the sound, I tried to focus of the creaking of the folies created by the wind or movement on them. (a disclaimer: I was planning to go again to La Villette before confinement to reshoot properly and rerecord sound but I couldn’t due to timing.)

I find La Villette very disorganised and superposed as it is a theme of its design. It works in different layers put on top of each other, all together they don’t make sense anymore. Even if it is based of a grid, paradoxically, all these different systems create chaos and we don’t have the aesthetic of composition anymore.

Since I decided to go with photograph instead of video, with the sound, it makes the mind want to imagine and understand a space more, than when we’re looking at a video that depicts movement. We try to imagine the people walking, the trees moving and the flow the image gives. An urban environment isn’t static, it’s movement. When capturing an image, we are capturing a moment that will depict the constant of the movement. With sound it’s a bit more difficult, since what makes an urban space is the superposition of several different sounds that creates noise, or the sound of an urban space. In this project I approached sound as an addition to the visual, to complement it, and following the topic of the visual, which are the folies. 

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