Artist Statement

It has to be beautiful or at least intriguing.  It has to tell a story, it has to have something to say.

I am a very curious individual, and I research and dig through everything that catches my attention. And from there I build and pile on information, and emotion, and, ideas and that is my process. Whether it is my photography, my video work, my visual designs, or installations, I heavily relate my art and design to emotions, memories, and aesthetics. One of the most important aspects of my work to me is that it has to be elegant no matter what aesthetic it is. Being very inspired by minimalism and conceptual art, my own practice reflects that and I try to incorporate it as much as I can. My personality really reflects my background, my Lebanese heritage, and my sense of humor and irony as I try to incorporate my own identity in my work.  Not everything has to be serious all the time.  I do what I do because I love creating and it is my way of expression, it brings me fulfillment to be able to express myself and my ideas the way I want to, and I find that to be a privilege. If people take something out of it, another perspective on things, if my work intrigues them and relates to them somehow, that means I’ve accomplished my project.