CryptoZoology 3D Mothman Print

Blog Process:

  1. I created my own interpretation of the Mothman legend from West Virginia.
  2. I intended to make the print look like an ancient carving of the Mothman. I created rough textures to resemble the markings of a stone totem carving.Image result for mothman
  3. I had recently researched the Mothman through youtube conspiracy theory channels. I really love the story and “evidence” of the creature:
  4. The final print came out decently, I like the deep set eyes and rough feather details. I wish that I modeled the feet in a way that would allow the print to stand
  5. The main thing I learned about this process is to fully evaluate each detail of the model, as well as the layout of the supports.
  6. I had to print my model twice, due to the fact that the first print failed at 80% completion. A detail in the head of the model was printed incorrectly and the nob kept bumping into it, causing the model to break from the supports and fall. This also was due to insufficient supports.image2-10
  7. I would increase the size of the model and use different filaments. I also would redesign the legs and feet in order to have the model stand on its own. Image result for mothman

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