Christopher Breward’s Aphorisms.

“Fashion is gossip. Never under estimate the power of gossip. Semiologists are driven into ecstasies of supposition by its whispers.” To me this aphorism mean that Fashion is just like gossip because it spreads so quickly. I agree with this statement because to me fashion can be used as a way of expressing one’s personality. Sometimes it doesn’t send out the original intended message and sometimes it does. Which means that whatever that person is wearing might not be who they really are about. Gossip has the same character. People gossip about other people but sometimes the things they say might be true but it also can be false.

“Fashion is intensely personal, in the same way that poetry is intensely personal. It is a medium through which personal stories can be told, memories re-lived and futures foretold.” This aphorism says that Fashion is very personal just like the poetry. I mentioned before that Fashion can be used as expressing one’s personality but it can also express one’s feeling also, just like poetry. Poetry is full of hidden meanings and Fashion can be used just like words to express one’s personal story of their life. I agree with this aphorism the most because I can relate to this sentence in so many ways. I use fashion to express my feelings almost everyday. I use different colors, shape and even items of clothing to hide meanings behind them in everyday life.

1 Comment on Christopher Breward’s Aphorisms.

  1. kurea091
    September 13, 2016 at 2:31 AM (8 years ago)

    Good job Gogo – but for the first aphorism, can you give more details or a personal example to support your answer? You clearly explain the aphorism in your own words, but you don’t give quite enough information about whether you agree with it and why.


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