LP Reflection

Hello, my name is GohEun Park and I go by Gogo. I am a junior majoring in Fashion Design at Parsons. I want to apologize to myself first for not having enough contents on here. I didn’t make enough effort to keep every work on here. But I do keep a very organized and separate folders for all my works from Parsons on my own computer. I am a very visual person and also old-fashioned so I like to carry a small physical planner with me to write important things such as due dates or assignments and etc. 

In this planner, I have my personal things and also academic things all together because I don’t need to show this to anybody necessarily. In the back part is where I brainstorm for projects. It normally takes me awhile to get to a defined and organized theme for a project so I usually collect informations, takes notes, record others’ feedbacks and opinions, and even drawing mindmaps on here.


I learned last year spring semester, having someone to take notes for me while I present in critiques is very helpful because normally I get nervous for presenting I don’t always remember everything that I get in feedbacks. I think professors feedbacks are very important and helpful but also other classmates’ opinions and feedbacks are helpful sometime. So taking notes is very important and helpful skill to remember in every classes.

I always have been writing To-Do lists for myself for almost everything and anything. Writing them down and crossing them out when I finish a task was always not only helpful but also satisfying to me. I learned that I could use this skill when I am making garments in studio classes. I have a bad habit of trying to figure everything out in my head first before I start working on anything. (I know this has been holding me back at times because it is not the most efficient way of working when there are deadlines…) Everything have to make sense and work out in my head just like a math equation before I start cutting and sewing. So what I learned is that I make a ‘To-Do list’ for a garment which is kind of like an instruction guide of my own. I make my own list and I just follow those steps by steps and the next thing you know is that I finished the garment. This skill has helped me so much especially when I have 1000 different things going on and due in a week with no sleep.

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