High Line Path

My group and I took a walk from school at 13th street and fifth avenue to the High Line Park at 14th street. The weather was hot and sunny, however, we enjoyed it and took a lot of pictures along the way.

As we were walking in the 14th street I found a lot of beautiful houses and buildings with nice front doors. I don’t really know whether this is a house or a building, but it looks so nice that I always wonder how it looks inside.

After one block, I found this building, Leonex Hill Healthplex. It looks modern and unique, unlike the other building in New York. It kind of reminded me of Solomon R. Guggenheim museum.

We finally reached the High Line park. It was beautiful; the weather was sunny, people were laying down in the sun, an others are walking around, and many of them were taking pictures of the beautiful views.

This is the view of the 14th street from one side of the park, shows the beautiful old buildings and streets of Manhattan.

As usual, art is everywhere in New York. I couldn’t resist not taking pictures of those colorful, creative album covers. I would buy all of them and just hang them on the walls of my room to stare at them before sleeping.

Although we took the same way back, I found a lot of different things that I didn’t did not pay much attention to on the way to the park; just like this piece of sprayed art in the street. It made me realize how walking in the streets of Manhattan is amusing.

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