The Keeper Exhibition



The artist collected photographs and also took photos of his own based on teddy bears. The artist wanted to portray how people interact with teddy bears. Included in the collection are many family and children with their teddy bear in everyday situations. When looking at these photos, I remembered when I had teddy bears when I was young and how I would create my own “movie” with them. I still do have a teddy bear of my own. However, it is not a small teddy but a life-sized one. Being around the teddy brings me comfort and security similar to the children holding the teddies in the photos. All the photos in the gallery are placed in frames of the same design. By doing this, the artist further unites the different photographs.

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The artist collected paper with scribbles on it. When looking at this piece, I felt overwhelmed by the large quantity of paper, especially next to a chair. When I first approached this installation, I did not notice the scribbles on the individual papers. I paid more attention to the overall structure of the installation. When I was observing the scribbles on the paper, I could feel the different emotions from the different scribbles. The scribbles with more twist and turns gave off a more unsettling feeling. Some gave off the feeling of anger and frustration. Others were calm.



I am motivated to collect when I think about the future. I have been collecting fabric that people have thrown out. My goal is to become a designer. To me touching the fabric itself allows me to dive into my creative thought process. It allows me to play with different designs in my head and come up with new ideas. It also brings me comfort and reminds me of my dream and encourages me to overcome any hardships that I may come across in life.

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