Derive Part 2

My derive project most notably grew in size. The size allowed me to pull out and focus more on “grandpa,” or the carousel operator, whom I was most fascinated by in the project and my derive. I also really enjoyed the medium I used originally because having a drawing tool in my hand allowed for me to give the work moment through the lines preciseness and weight.


If there were a third part to the project I would keep what I have in two, but add another medium. My favorite part of part two was the piecing together and scale, so adding to that by incorporating a mural or something to that affect to fully blend it with a huge wall would be great. I could also project something onto the wall, perhaps a video, and with that make good use of sound. In both ideas I would make the whites brighter, maybe even see if there is a blacker paper, though keep the paper the same sizes.

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