Hello World Assignment

Do you know about Wizzle Wuzzle Hampenstance? Of course you don’t. Mr. W for short is a very strange creature with a very strange home. He sick and twisted but not in the bad way. His body is a combination of many different animals: a cat, a bat, a rabbit, a pig and a bear. No one knows where he came from, not even him. He just, appeared one day and no one questioned it (not even Mother Nature herself). He’s a a freak but his home fits a freak like him. He lives in forest, or was it a jungle? Anyway, it’s full of mushrooms, poisonous ones too. But Mr. W eats them anyway cuz he’s one lucky son of a gun (and also cuz he’s hungry, a guys gotta eat after all). The worst thing that happens to him is that he hallucinations, bad. He sees things like humongous mushrooms walking around and leaves flying away. Ya know, normal stuff. Mr. W is one lucky son of a gun but he’s also one lazy son of a gun. He could probably move anywhere he wanted to, ya know maybe to an area WITHOUT poisonous mushrooms and no neighbors? But nah, he’s good here, in his weird forest jungle with his weird self.

Sometimes though, people come into his home, maybe they got lost or maybe their looking for something, but they come in, into the strange forest to see a strange creature like Mr. W. Mr. W is always friendly of course, cuz he’s a chill dude but sometimes being a scary freak of nature gets in the way of that so they all run (or faint). And by sometimes I mean all the time, Mr. W has no human friends. But that’s okay, Mr. W likes being alone, with his weird mushrooms and weird leaves and weird self. Sometimes he peeks out from his forest and see’s the town across from his jungle forest. He wonders if he should move in, but then he realizes that that would be totally boring and normal and he likes being weird, with his weird home. He’s Wizzle Wuzzle Hampenstance after all, the weirdest thing their is.


My name is Janae Baptiste Lewis and I'm an Illustration major at Parsons. My hobbies and passions include watching cartoons, reading comics, playing video games, and most importantly making art (digital art to be exact).

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