Artist Statement

Storytelling is what I’m good at, so for this project I decided to create a photo journal about a modern day superhero, PINK. The inspiration behind this character came from an idea that women in industries that have lost creativity are only being objectified by their bodies or not involved in the world at all, which causes these women to lose hope in what they actually want to do and stick to what they know, which is to lay low and only think about getting your next paycheck. They have become so afraid to step out with new ideas. So PINK was created to motivate and help these women escape their objectifying jobs, prostitution, relying on sugar daddies, etc. or even just working the late shift at McDonald’s, and focus on getting them on track to accomplishing these dreams that they are passionate about.

Cao Fei is an artist that inspired me to do a superhero themed project and relate it to modern day. Sophie Calle, is an artist who had her friend take pictures of her working as a stripper, so that’s where the inspiration came from as well. The project consists of a costume I made from what’s trending right now in the street style fashion scene. I used illustrator to create a tattoo on PINK that says “LE$” (which stands for Ladies Entering $uccess) which ultimately became the essential part of the costume. Then I set up a photo shoot to back up the story of saving these women from terrible jobs and created a script to coincide with the pictures displayed.

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