Visual culture: seminar bridge 2

For my 2nd bridge project we were assigned to come up with a research topic and for the visual piece, represent that research. I decided to use a pillow case and sheet with a complex pattern. The pillow case has different phrases and facts about the effects of sleep deprivation. The tapestry I used is supposed to represent the complexity of the human condition and the many tasks we are meant to fulfill everyday. Many reasons why sleep deprivation is such a problem is because most people have too much to do and especially college students are constantly pressured to complete assignments on top of other things such as a job. I felt the pillowcase does a good job of giving viewers an idea as to what my research topic is. The tapestry does a good job of representing a sheet but also conveying the idea of a complex/ flooded mind. I wanted to also represent some of the statistics found in my research from the national sleep foundation. On the pillowcase there are a list of different facts on numbers and areas of people affected by sleep deprivation. I believe that my research topic defends itself in terms of the “so what?” Question people might ask because sleep is an important and obvious problem for some people and can’t really be argued against

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