Bridge- Studio

Project Proposal

The system I would like to address is the Canal street subway station: platform for the NQR train. Compared to other subway stations, the platform is made slightly smaller and narrower than other subway platforms. Most platforms have benches for people to rest but for the Canal street platform, there are no space to place benches in. Another approach to the subway that would enhance efficiency are directory lines that would let people line up to get on the subway. These are yellow lines that create a queue for the people that come out. It fans out in a V shape, which allow people on the train to get out first. There are several occasions of people rushing in, making people leaving the train stuck. These idea categorizes into Patch and Hack. It is a form of Patch because it provides service to the people taking the subway. It is a form of Hack because it utilizes the walls to create an extended furniture for the convenience of us.

The key concepts of this project is to provide a place for the people to rest because riding the subway is tedious and probably uncomfortable. The main function of this piece is to allow people to have a place to lean to or a place to sit-lean on. I believe that this idea should be implemented in all subway stations because it is a more clean design to a subway (instead of the wooden benches that only allow five people to sit on). Not to mention that there are people who just start to sleep on these benches and in this space, I believe everyone is tired of commuting and would like a place to rest on; this idea would prevent people from sleeping. The other yellow line indicators is to facilitate and prevent unnecessary pushing in the already unsafe train station.

The targeted audience are all subway riders, but especially for those elders or kids that need a place to rest while waiting for the subway. These riders can be anyone. In a crowded city like New York City, this railing like seat can provide more space for those that are getting off the train. The targeted audience for the yellow indicators are for everyone’s convenience.

The changes the project will bring to site is a subway station that is more organized, with people having a railing to rest on when they are commuting, and a clearer queue line for the riders to get on and off the train in an orderly manner.

The research progress used to develop this idea was by looking at the design of other subway stations around the world, and the subway station back in Taiwan influenced me the most for the yellow indicators on the ground. As for the railing, the idea sparked from BRT (bus stations) that is located in Taichung, Taiwan.



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