Lauren Um Design Philosophy Statement


My design philosophy are stemmed from the elements of my surrounding and a reflection of my culture that reveals an extension of my individuality. Art and design, is my way of communicating all the abstract and intangible things. The sound of pencils scratching along the drawing paper and paint leaving marks on the table, is part of the process that creation comes out of imperfection. My interest in fashion opened up a world that I would’ve never imagine to perceive. Trends are constantly changing, and it’s exciting to see something different every season. When I look at colors, patterns, and fabrics, I imagine how I can incorporate it into a design. I gather my ideas in my head, and then try to execute these visuals to create collages and sketches for the final outcome. However, taking this field to a business aspect, it’s not just about pleasing myself anymore. Understanding and researching what the consumer wants and needs and what the market is hot for, or creating something new and fresh for the market/society is part of my design/decision process now and I came to realize that the business side of fashion is what intrigues me the most. How I want to define and market a brand to society, production/manufacturing transparency, advertisement/promotional strategies is something I’m always considering when working on projects. Creating and designing a product or a system to benefit a business is more part of my design process, rather than, is this method or product environmentally friendly? Technique and creativity can push a business forward, but also focusing on the market and relationship between labour, commodity, currency, and consumers should be considered as a way to improve a current system.   


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