Vegetable Dye Protocol

For my vegetable dye project, I decided to dye my sock, cotton string, canvas, and sheep hair Using grinded coffee beans. I mixed the coffee beans with water and poured it into a pan and boiled it. When the water started boiling, I put all the items I wanted to dye. I then began mixing the items and let it sit for 10 minutes. I then took the items out of the pan and squeezed out the coffee bean water out of them. I decided to do the same process again because I wanted the fabrics to look darker. I put the items and the boiled coffee bean water in a flower pot and let it sit for a week. I was excited to see how it would turn out. When I felt like it was time to take them out the flower pot I went to see how they looked. The fabrics color looked lighter than I expected but I was too curious to wait any longer so I took them out of the pot and air dried them outside of my window. I liked how the sheep hair came out the most because it was the darkest stood out the most. What I found interesting about the color was the fact that it was brown but had a reddish tone to it similar to Tabasco hot sauce. I found this project fun and inspiring because I feel like I can concentrate this into the sculptures I create and make art sustainably.

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