“The Stranger” Shutz Reflection

Shutz discusses the experience someone undergoes when they enter a new social group. New information is shared to the newcomer that can help in future situations. In my community I observe diversity of culture, languages and religion. This helps me become more open minded about the customs each person I meet has. This gives me more knowledge on what their likes and dislikes are. Once I am a stranger to a group, I make sure that I know the personality of the people first. It is smart to see the similarities between me and the group to know how to understand their views on topics.

Value of Technology

Technology is essential to keep. I believe that it is the key to evolution and is the way innovation comes to life. Everyday technology is not only increasing but improving people’s daily lives. A piece of technology I value is the virtual reality headset. It is meant to give the user a world that they have never experienced before. The headset can also give me an escape to problems through my own fantasy world. This connects with video games as well. I get to see characters being brought to life in front of me and interact with them. I appreciate the beauty behind the different worlds seen in the virtual reality. It is always exciting to be part of a story that has me solve mysteries and puzzles like a horror game. Technology is truly impactful.

Utopia Vs Dystopia

Its interesting to think about how the world will progress into the future. Will we have a utopia or a dystopia? Maybe there will always be a mixture of wrong and bad along the way, a balance of both. I like to focus on topics that deal with how society is viewed based on different points of view. One can say that the present is a utopia because of more acceptance to sexuality, race, and religion. Laws like gay marriage in fifty states shows that society has progressed positively. Yet, one can say that the world has grown into dystopia because of the controversial views of our president. I see that the world is a balance of grey. There will always be people opposed to rights and others will constantly defend them until they are accepted into the world.

Unique World of Video Games


Its great to be fully immersed in a game that brings a variety of characters and a broad storyline to the gameplay. Games also interpret situations that happen in reality. People can be influenced to seeing society through a different world that is full of fantasy and characters that one can relate to. Situations like an unfair government can be brought to life through gameplay. I want to be part of a game that sheds light to topics like government control in media and privacy. There is also diversity that can be implemented to a game. This includes many cultures and customs for all characters. I will like to create video game characters that have a unique personality and style to their story and that can be viewed as a hero for the player.

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