Critique Response


  • The important points of the topic was the meaning and the theme that tied the student’s draft and the chosen pieces. We as well discussed how the student can improve the draft in order to further present the message behind the the art pieces.
  • My understanding of the project connects to my other classes by discussing how the modern world is like today. My pieces evoke the theme of stepping inside an fantasy world that is more like the utopia of our generation. I will further understand the way our modern society pictures a utopian future based on our values today. I as well discussed the way the world has evolved from the past to the present in my other classes and the way opinions are being changed over the years.
  • The major ideas I understand now are how to connect art or stories with completely different views from each other. I learned how to look closely to the art works and find views that could make sense no matter how challenging it was to find the similarities between the pieces.
  • The three ideas I am taking away from the seminar are that there is always an hidden message that can be interpreted between two pieces of work. It is important to get an significant message across and not just find a general theme to discuss. There are times where two different pieces of art can force you to think deeply about concepts that you have not explored yet.


  • I gave my team mate an idea in a new direction they can take to their piece and see if it can further explain their concept.
  • The questions I have is how can I clearly express my the concept of my theme and have the present and meaningful message of the theme.
  • There were students who helped move the discussion forward by asking how the projects will be more expanded from the draft and if there are other themes the students are focusing on and would want to replace with their original concepts.
  • There were students who asked more questions but also allowed others to take the chance to present their ideas and questions to the artist.
  • Next time I would like to do differently is give the presenter more advice on how they can further improve their works.


  • Next time I will listen to how the artist came to the idea and realization of what they want too do with their project. This way I can understand their thinking process and know what they are trying to discuss in their art.
  • What I will do differently to make the seminar better is ask more questions and challenge the artist on how they can do better in their project.

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