Portfolio Exercise 2: Bernstein/Ahmed/Berlant

In Berlant’s The Predator and The Jokester she explains the way sexual jokes can cause people to react negatively based on the power they have in society. Many people have different perspectives on the way sexual jokes can be either comedic or offensive to the specific gender the joke is being aimed at. In the article, Berlant mentions that these types of jokes are often making people feel the need to take it instead of arguing against it. Anyone with less power feel they are entitled to be part of the laughter to not have any pressure on themselves. She mentions examples of sarcasm, gossip, or self harm as ways people take in the offensive jokes, while they are in silence. Berlant as well mentions that it is unfair to let these kinds of offensive jokes continue and to prevent privileged people to take advantage of others with their jokes.

  1. Berlant states in her article, ” It’s not just women who must feel compelled to take it and eat it: It’s anyone institutionally less powerful, including men when they are.”
  2. I agree with Berlant that people who are not of higher ranking have a hard time expressing their views have a difficult time in society. The more dominant group will have an easier advantage while others with less power do not have many defending their own thoughts. I feel that people should focus on hearing other perspectives on ideas or in this case jokes. This way people do not feel the need to be silenced for long and be more comfortable in expressing their thoughts.

Portfolio Excercise 1: Summary

The Superiority theory: Hobbes has stated that laughter is a way people respond to feeling they are better than others, which results in laughing at their mistakes.

Kant’s theory explains how laughter is a form of relief of tension when experiencing uncomfortable situations.

Schopenhauer’s theory states that people laugh due to a surprising situation or when an unexpected moment occurs.

Spencer’s theory explains that people laugh due to the way our bodies respond in the moment like our nervous systems do when experiencing a certain uncomfortable situation.

Herbert Spencer’s theory further argues the idea of relief like in Kant’s theory. In his essay, On the philosophy of laughter he states ” always tends to beget muscular motion, and when it rises to a certain intensity, always does beget it.” The nervous system is a form of laughter one cannot control which can result in more stress. When an uncomfortable situation occurs our body or nervous system chooses to laugh as a way to reduce that stress and for the body to be in a more relax state. Others may see laughing at a certain situation offensive since it may be serious at times, yet this is due to the way their nervous systems operate.