Songlin Yuan

Just another The New School Sites site

week 3


Beijing was the capital city of China, but the air pollution was one of the worst cities for decades  of years. The air pollution was mainly caused by the factories and also the polluting energy resources. Coal was the cheapest energy resource in the world which do not require much technology and it could be easily built up for electricity and heat for most of the people, but it was also very harmful to the environment.

Since 2013, Beijing had a plan of shutting down all the polluting energy resource factories. Until 2017, the last coal energy factory was closed and air pollution started to get better and better. But there were news saying that the factories were moved to other places than Beijing. The ideal goal of Beijing was to create a city with green power, but this was not a satisfying situation. The government are still working on lowering the pollution and I understand that this situation cannot be changed by creating a law of not using coal as a energy resources.

I can see the government is trying hard. I have known a few elder people who are doing coal business in China and I learned that the situation of coal business are getting down. The law and rules for coal business became really strict and had a standard of the quality of the coal. Also there are about 40% of the coal was burned for heat in people’s house which produced a lot of pollution.

Factories now has standard of if the energy of coal was fully collected, fully used, or the amount of pollution created. With the standard, coal energy factories are decreased by the strict rules and law, it is the most reasonable way to decrease the amount of pollution from coal.

The postcard I made was my view of the picture in the future. There are clear sky and many green energy resources on it. It was a great and ideal picture but I used black leather as the material is because there will always have people who are only thinking about money and no moral standard in their minds. I believe both clean and polluted countries will exist and hopefully there will be more countries that will use clean energy and the pollution that rest of the countries created will not be too little to harm our environment.


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