Project 6: Sonic Portrait of a Space

Description of my space

My project is trying to recreate my study space from back in high school and college and what a typical study session feels like in a library. During my study sessions, there would always be this feeling of something, or someone, pressuring you, this feeling of time moving by silently as you approach the deadline. To try and capture this feeling I have created a space with many layers of the composition to represent best those feelings I get while studying. Writing is, to a lot of people, a way to escape this world, whether it be through the writing of a story or novel. It can help people relax and be themselves; however, for this project, I wanted the writing in my space to sound rushed and frantic as if the writer is under immense pressure.


My working process

I recorded three different sounds within my space, flipping pages, a pen writing, and a clock ticking. Each of those represents a different aspect of studying; the book is the accumulation of knowledge with each page enlightening the individual. The pen signifies the application of knowledge and the ticking clock signifies the passage of time leading closer to obstacles. I chose these three sounds only because I wanted only the essentials of studying into my space.


Compositional objective

My space is composed of a slow beginning, a build up in the middle and slow dying end. I wanted to represent what I feel like as time passes by during my study, the more time passes, the more frantic my mind becomes and that is reflected by the writing in my space becoming faster and more chaotic. But by the end, I find ways to relax and not panic which can be heard by the sounds of the pen stopping and my space returning to just flipping pages of a book. All the sounds are paced together with the ticking of the clock which helps my composition feel well spaced and on key.



I feel like my project space could have been better executed; it was hard for me to figure out good pacing for my space as the sounds weren’t well-defined beats. It met my expectations but I was not overly pleased with it, I could have improved how I recorded the sounds by going to a quieter place and recording higher quality audio. Moreover, while it does capture my main feelings during studying, it could still be improved by involving the many other different feelings I get while studying. Overall, I feel accomplished with the project and the space I created, while I do feel like it could be improved, I feel like I did my best attempt at recreating the feelings I get while studying.

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