I Remember

I remember when I was five I did not want to go to kindergarten.

I remember when I thought that I loved a boy in my preschool class. I was five, and he was the most popular kid in our group.

I remember how I walked from my kindergarten to my house with my nanny. We always played the Words game on the way.

I remember I had two parrots at home- the girl Ksusha and the boy Kesha. Later on, Kesha died, and adults told me that he just had a doctor appointment. They gave Ksusha away to another family and made up another story for me. Parents said that she is looking after Kesha in the hospital.

I remember how they used to fly around our flat making strange noises during flight.

I remember how my parents fought. I do not remember the subject of the fight, but my father moved out after this.

I remember spending weekends with him. We used to watch movies and go to the parks. It made my mother sad sometimes.

I remember how dad told me that if I am not living with him, then I am not his daughter.

I remember how I stopped going to his flat after that.

I remember how my cousin was born. I was eleven, and this little creature was the most exciting thing that I could play with.

I remember how I tried to calm him down when he was crying.

I remember watching “Harry Potter and Secret of Chamber” with my dad in the cinema. I couldn’t sleep after because I was afraid that the great Basilisk is watching me from the tubes.

I remember staying up all night in the summer school talking to Alimzhan and Diana. We were sneaking in Alimzhan’s room after our tutor went to bed.

I remember those cold walks back to the residence from the town center when I was in Cambridge for summer.

I remember playing Mafia with our class every day in the basement.

I remember how one of the boys decided to scare us pretending to be a murderer, and I started crying.

I remember how we used to play cards in my and Yelikai’s room.

I remember going to school parties and dances.

I remember I decided that I am going to study the UK.

I remember how my mom let me study in Bournemouth. It was very hard to talk her into it, but all the discussions and argument

I remember missing my mom for the first two days. Then it became easier because I felt free, and I started exploring everything from a new perspective.

I remember how I liked Thomas.

I remember how he dated another girl, and no one knew how I felt about him.

I remember when he was single I asked Valentina to talk to him about me.

I remember he told me he liked me.

I remember our first kiss in the park.

I remember I cried when I got back home from England. I changed the schools leaving all my friend behind.

I remember my best friend Arsalan told me that he loved me over the phone, and I pretended I didn’t hear him.

I remember fighting with my mom and then regretting about it and asking for forgiveness. I do not remember the reason for the argument.

I remember I told her that I don’t want to be like her.

I remember Anelya was my best friend. We were seven when we met. She was my dad’s girlfriend’s daughter. I remember we stopped seeing each other because our parents broke up.

I remember saying goodbye to Ana, my friend from Brazil who was in my school only for one term.

I remember drawing my uniform for the school year so my mom could sew it.

I remember playing in the theater and fighting with other girls for the main roles.

I remember how I cried thinking about how I was so old after my tenth birthday.

I remember watching “Rebelde Way” after school. It is a TV series about teenagers and their problems.

I remember getting my driving license. I had spent a whole day dealing with all the documents.

I remember kissing Arsalan. I never talked to him after that because I did not like him back and did not want to mess with his feelings.

I remember being my roommate Mayya’s last day in our flat in Brighton. It was the end of the year. We realized it would never be the same anymore. Then she left. I remember it was my birthday. I remember walking her to the taxi.

I remember driving my mother’s car. I remember listening to music – the music we used to listen to in our flat. I remember how the realization that it was just the beginning hit me.


For this assignment, I have tried to write as much of my memories as I could memorize. I realized that it is not as easy as it seems — some of the memories you want to keep for yourself, some of them are too personal. It was hard to overcome myself and write them down on the paper knowing that somebody else is going to read them. As the author, I wrote down the names of people that I could remember, and that was also pretty hard to do as when I am telling a story to somebody I don’t usually say the names of the participant, only because the listener won’t know who you are talking about. Here I had to write the story as notes for myself considering that the reader already knows all the people in the story. I enjoyed the process it was very bizarre to go back in time and try to memorize all the events. It took around two minutes to the right each memory because each one took me on a short journey to the past.

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