Week 7

International style means that modern materials such as steel, glass, and concrete are used in buildings in the 20th century. This is no different from modernism. However, modernist designers are designed for the general public, focusing on function, and the form is not that important. The form in the international style is the most important part of the design because they don’t care how much they can build a building, they value the wealth that the building itself can bring in the future. In architectural style, geometric or monotonous, such as Le Corbusier’s Villa Savoye is an international style building. I like international style architecture because the use of geometry or monotonous form to organize into a building makes it easy to know the building itself. Secondly, the architectural design should be comfortable, how to use the natural combination of windows to let the sunshine in to the room and how the environment changes. However, in the villa of Le Corbusier, the simple plaque pattern and the flat whitewashed façade are so simple that there is almost no excess decoration. The only part that can be called decoration is the horizontal length window that giving more sunshine to interior space. The shortcoming of this building is to see through the indoor space, so other environmental factors such as rain and snow will affect people’s living. If  the building, it builds quickly, what does this is meaning of the building? In the future, the building will be rebuilt to a new building. But the international style of architecture is different. It will think about how the building itself enhances its self-worth and brings wealth to the economy. However, there are still many restrictions on the international style and functions the architectural well.

AD Classics: Villa Savoye AD Classics: Villa Savoye

What is the International Style movement? (Inter.)

Does International style make clear on the qualities of aesthetic? (Inter.)

What are the three “new ideas” in the lighting? (Seagram)

What is “interiors greater unity” means? (Seagram)



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