Anabelle Malamug

Architectural Designer

Space and Materiality: Fashion, Architecture, Body Sculpture

For the final project, I had an idea to make wooden suspenders attached to a plexiglass skirt. Then after a week of attempting to make it into a chipboard model, I decided that the skirt would be too complicated. So, I began thinking of creating a piece of armor that would cover the arm: a weapon used in combat. I drew a plan of how I would incorporate wood into the armor and also make it visually appealing and functional. The base of the armor is wooden, while the outermost part of the armor is a prickly metal surface. The joints were easy to figure out because the joints needed to correspond with the joints of arm. I used a u-joint and a nut-and-bolt joint in my final project.



At first, it was difficult figuring out how to drill screws into thin plywood without spliting it, but I did a few tests on scrap pieces of wood and realized that I needed to drill holes first and them apply the screws. Also, experimenting with shaping plexiglass was a challenge because I had previously never worked with plexiglass and a heat gun. One interesting thing that I was able to do was bend wood by making incisions. However, the wood had a capacity of flexibility, so I had to continually test its flexible capability.

If I could change anything about this project, I would use thicker balsa wood instead of the thin plywood. Also, if my woodshop skills were more advanced, I would make the arm adjustable to any size besides my own.

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